Many thanks to Clifford Peach who has unearthed a vast haul of photographs and press clippings from the club's history which he has been archiving over many years. In due course we hope to make a feature of all this material. In the meantime here is a sample.
This picture from the March 1992 shows two of the club's juniors - Andrew Shipp (18) on the left and Ian Carter (16) who were heroes in the Devon team that won the South West Under 18 Championship that year.
Here is one of the club's Rapidplay tournaments. Nearest on the left is Tristan Light; behind him, with his back to the wall, is Lionel Levy who is playing Simon Greely. Mike Vere is dressed in white, and the player facing us in the background is Toby Woodbridge.
Another scene from a Club Rapidplay tournament. Tristan Light is nearest the camera, while Lionel Levy and Toby Woodbridge can be seen in the background.
This is one of the Club's championships held at Hallsands Hotel. Richard Hurd is in the suit, playing against David Stone, while Bill Severn is the spectator - all three are from Brixham. Watching over David Stone's left shoulder is Eric Ralphs from Totnes.
Surely this couldn't be a young Roy Greenhalgh, could it? The camera's date function tells us that this photo was take in March 1190, i.e. during the reign of Richard the Lionheart. He's wearing quite well, isn't he?
Andrew Shipp (in the red jumper) and Tristan Light on the right winning trophies at the Hallsands Hotel.
In this tournament at Hallsands Hotel the weather was fowl, as can be seen from the rain battering against the windows. In the ensuing power cut all the lights went out. But the tournament continued, with a chandelier of candles placed on each table! David Watton is in the check shirt; also visible are Richard Hurd from Brixham in the fawn jumper, and Len Woodbridge (father of Tony).