Bd | South Hams | Col | Grade | ECF | Result | Teignmouth | Col | Grade | ECF | PGN |
1 | McConnell, Phil | B | 102 | 285386D | 1-0 | Chubb, Ray | W | 105 | 155610B | View |
2 | Greenhalgh, Roy | W | 97 | 134641G | 1-0 | Tindal, Bill | B | 85 | 120438F | Submit |
3 | Fowler, James | B | 105 | 277497F | 1-0 | Gwynne, Patrick | W | 83 | 155612F | Submit |
4 | Ashby, Ken | W | 83 | 181837F | 1-0 | White, Michael | B | 80 | 292251E | View |
Overall Match | 387 | 4-0 | 353 |
Report by Phil McConnell
An excellent 4-0 win.
On Board 1, my opponent struggled after move 10 when he succumbed to a Knight fork on King and Bishop. I was able to exchange off material leading to a straightforward win.
On Board 2, Roy's opponent miscalculated and made a Bishop sacrifice which didn't wok out.
On Board 4, Ken notched up his first win playing for South Hams - the first of many, I'm sure. Ken got a nice Kingside attack going, leading his opponent, under pressure, to blunder a Bishop and then fall for a Knight fork on King and Rook.
Ken's and my games have been posted on the website for viewing/commenting.
I can't say anything about James' win on Board 3 - but will add a comment if he posts the game on the website!