Bd | Newton Abbot | Col | Grade | ECF | Result | South Hams | Col | Grade | ECF | PGN |
1 | Kinder, Andrew | B | 146 | 162701G | ½-½ | Peach, Cliff | W | 110 | 116851E | Submit |
2 | Taylor, Wilfrid | W | 142 | 182650F | 1-0 | McConnell, Phil | B | 102 | 285386D | Submit |
3 | Mills, Nathan | B | 132 | 272540L | 1-0 | Greenhalgh, Roy | W | 97 | 134641G | Submit |
4 | Blackmore, Josh | W | 83 | 290737K | 1-0 | Best, Barclay | B | 90 | 233494L | Submit |
Overall Match | 503 | 3½-½ | 399 |
On Board 1, Cliff managed (yet another draw). His opponent was a up by a passed pawn in the end game, but Cliff somehow managed to bottle the game up (in the way that only Cliff knows how), and a draw was agreed. A great result for Cliff.
On Board 2, Phil's opponent was simply more accurate and Phil was down in material from move 12 onwards. It eventually came to an end game, with Phil's opponent having 4 pawns against Phll's 3 - which was comfortably enough for White to force the win.
On Board 3, Roy resigned when his opponent queened a pawn with both clocks running down - in fact his opponent had only two minutes left, so it was close. Subsequent analysis shows Roy could have forced a draw by not allowing his opponent to exchange off queens - which was what led to the won pawn ending.
On Board 4, Barclay was cross with himself for not playing as accurately as he felt he should have done. We all have games like that!
Overall, 3½ - ½ sounds like a big defeat , which it was. But when it is considered that Newton Abbot outgraded us by 503 to 399, we certainly weren't disgraced on the night.
As Phil says on paper it's a big defeat but the reality was we were a fraction off getting a 2-2 draw, talking to Roy on the way home, he said, he messed up the ending turning a draw into defeat, Nathan Mills said this to me at the Newton Club after the game as well, with Roy on the board next to Barclay, Roy thought Barclay had the better of the game throughout but somehow Barclay lost , just a case of a bad day at the office , we all have those, sitting on the board next to Phil, I think he summed up his game pretty accurately, when it got to the pawn end game it looked difficult for Phil, good game to watch though, my game I felt comfortable , didn't even get into time trouble for a change, knowing Andrew from when he was a member of the South Hams Club, I knew not to try anything clever. From a team point of view I thought we did well, no quick games, we are certainly getting a solid group of players throughout the club.